I still think of myself as a blogging newby but having now hit the "publish post" button 100 times I guess that I need to consider myself climbing the ladder of blogging experience rather than standing at the bottom looking up with my mouth hanging open.
So I have worked out that it seems to be the done thing to give away something when you have posted a nice round figure- in this case 100 posts. I can't believe that I have posted that many times- and I even more can't believe that some of you loyal people have hung around to read my blogging blurb. A huge thank you to those who have! It is good for the soul to think that someone wants to hear what I say and do.
So in the spirit of blogland, I am offering to sew up a bag in your choice of fabrics as chosen from the selection below. I don't know what bag it will be yet but there has to be some element of surprise, hey?
So rules of engagement:
1 There are no rules.
All you need to do is post a comment nominating your fabric choice. One entry per person. Will post anywhere. Please leave means of contacting you if you don't have a blog.
You don't need to blog about the giveaway (though if you chose to, I'm not going to complain or apply for a restraining order) and you don't have to follow my blog (I think that it is cruel and unusual punishment to make people sign up to my blog if they don't actually want to)
So I hope that you find something to your liking. I will close this competition in oh, about a week and I will pick a winner through either a highly technical method involving a computer progam or a less technical method involving a 2 year old, box and pieces of paper.
1. Pretty pink.

2. Bold blue.

3. Bohemian brown

4. Pretty palette

5. Gorgeous garden

6. Rich Red

Good luck!
Bohemian brown for me - I so hope I win :D Thanks for the giveaway :D
Oh Tas what a wonderful giveaway. Congrats on getting to 100 posts!
I would have to pick the pretty pink combination, though the rest are gorgeous too!
Tas - you just make me chuckle everytime I read your blog. Well done on getting to 100 posts!
Now from the colours, I would have to choose the Bohemian brown.
Congrats on 100!
I love reading your blog Tas!. Here's to another 100.
And I could seriously use a bag. I still have this fabric that I bought to make myself a bag 2 years ago!
Congratulations on the 100 posts. No surprise here ;)That's 100 posts of interesting and funny thoughts, pretty pics and yummy recipes. Having met you in person, I would say you major in communication and I an not at all surprised that the universe has served up mouther as the verification word lol
I like combos 1, 2 and 5. It would take until the end of the comp to choose I am sure!
Hi Tas, great prize, umm, brown or red or that blue is pretty great too. I wonder if you require deciveness-I am with Harooney! But really- that owl fabric is unreal
Congratulations on 100 posts Tas :)
What a great giveaway too, I love you old bag. Uh I mean I love your bags lol ; )
All your fabric combos are gorgeous and I was going to pick the blues until I saw the owl fabric in the rich red. I'm a sucker for owls so that is the one I'd choose.
Congrats on 100 posts Tas. I'm a red or brown girl & would be happy with either.
Congrats Tas! I love reading what you have to say. Here's to 100 more!
Very generous giveaway-hmm, toss between Gorgeous Garden for its vintage lovliness or good old Bohemian Brown!
congratulations! Mmmmmm - so generous! I think the brown is my fave. Kat xxx
Congrats on 100 blogs! Bohemian brown is gorgeous how can you part with such lovely fabrics???
Here is to the next 100...
oh, I love Bohemian Brown! congratulations on 100 posts :)
omg....we are SO spoiled for choice!!! what a lovely giveaway indeed...bohemian brown for me pls. :D thanks for the giveaway! congrats on ur 100th post, hun.
mistyeiz @ yvy
Oh yum.... Bohemian brown for sure.
Congrats on Number 100 :-)
Congrats on reaching 100 posts. oooh all the choices. I love the blue combo. But those owls are gorgeous.
Bohemian Brown! Bohemian Brown!!!
I totally missed my own 100th - am going to aim for 150 now I reckon, but seriously sweets - CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Of course we want to read what you're up to, your funny & lovely &... &.... (...sucking up DOES earn me extra entries now, doesn't it....?!) Just kidding Tas - I consider you to be one of my very valuable wwwfriends, and I am greatful to le interwebs for delivering you to me!
Bold blue! lol Grats on your 100th post!!! Its only the first time I have been but I will be sure to follow and keep following along.
Congrats on 100 posts Tas.
This is a wonderful giveaway. The Bohemian brown combination is gorgeous, but then so are all the other combinations..:)
Congrates on your 100 posts.
I love the bohemian brown fabrics.
Thanks for this give a way
Congrats on 100 posts!!!
I love the floral- but it was so hard to choose- they are all lovely (especially the little owls) where do you buy your fabric??
I look forward to seeing what type of bag you come up with! xo
congrats on the milestone!
lovely giveaway ~ but I can't decide between the brown and the blues of three pretty palette
Congrats on the 100!!
Oh Tas what a gorgeous lot of fabric combos's - LOVE them all!! I just can't decide between no1 & no2.
I am with the others - you have a knack for words - it is always fun to read your blog!!
Tas, your blog is on my "must read" list. Congrats on getting to your 100th post.
And do you really need to ask which one I'd pick if I was so lucky to win...the pinks of course!
All of those color combinations are SO darling...I can't decide...oh...I think the bold blue is most like me :) Thanks so much for the chance at your giveaway!
no 2 bold blue for me please!!!
I looove the bohemian brown!!
You have given me way tooooo many choices there. I really like the bold blue or the garden one with the big flowers. If I am lucky enough to win I think I might have to get you to make the final decision.
P.s i am now following you because I want to.
p.p.s you little parcel is slowly coming together and I should have it posted very soon.
Awesome giveaway and I truly can not decide which colour I would choose if I was lucky enough to win.
Ummmm oh gosh I am tossing up between bold blue and the pastel one. Oh the angst ;-p
bohemian brown! But I like the red selection too! :)
I've got a giveaway on my blog, go check it out!
Hi there,
First of all, a BIG thanks for the chance to win such a lovely bag. :)
At first I wanted to say bohemian brown, but then I saw the owls in rich red, so I guess the right choice is rich red after all. Who could possibly resists owls?! ;)
Greetings from Munich,
Congratulations on getting to 100 posts Tas :) And to think you weren't going to start a blog at all LOL (or get an Otto subscription either!!).
If I'm lucky enough to win you can surprise me cause I like all the fabric combos you have on offer :)
Well done for making it to 100 posts! I have only just discovered your blog but will definitely be back.
If I am lucky enough to win I think I would like to step out of my comfort zone and have a bag made out of the red fabric combo. Or a close second would be the (very much more me) pretty pink one.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.
pretty pink is definitely my favorite combo!
What a treasure trove of choices. Almost too hard to pick. Maybe the pink one. Cherrie
Such a generous giveaway, I love handbags :) Hmm the pink is very pretty!!
100 is great! I'll get there one day! P.S. love the post "note to self"!
I am in love with the pink combo!
Plus I know your bags rock !!
Oh wow, all those combos are stunning! It was really hard to decide on one... but I'm going with Bohemian brown. A bag out of any of he combos would be divine- you can't go wrong!
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